Peer Reviewed
12. Prest, B., Rennels, L., Errickson, F., and Anthoff, A. (2024). Equity weighting increases the social cost of carbon: New government guidelines could transform benefit-cost analysis of US climate policy. Science, 385(6710), 715-717.
11. Rennels, L., & Chasins, S. E. (2023). How Domain Experts Use an Embedded DSL. Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, 7(OOPSLA2), 1499-1530.
10. Tan, T., Rennels, L. & Parthum, B. (2024). The social costs of hydrofluorocarbons and the benefits from their expedited phase-down. Nature Climate Change.
9. Rennert, K., Errickson, F., Prest, B. C.,Rennels, L., Newell, R. G., Pizer, W., ... & Anthoff, D. (2022). Comprehensive Evidence Implies a Higher Social Cost of CO2. Nature, 610(7933), 687-692. Equal contribution by Prest, Errickson, and Rennels.
8. Wong, T. E., Ledna, C., Rennels, L., Sheets, H., Errickson, F. C., Diaz, D., & Anthoff, D. (2022). Sea Level and Socioeconomic Uncertainty Drives High‐End Coastal Adaptation Costs. Earth's Future, 10(12), e2022EF003061.
7. Wong, T. E., Rennels, L., Errickson, F., Srikrishnan, V., Bakker, A., Keller, K., & Anthoff, D. (2022). MimiBRICK. jl: A Julia package for the BRICK model for sea-level change in the Mimi integrated modeling framework. Journal of Open Source Software, 7(76), 4556.
6. Rennert, K., Prest, B. C., Pizer, W. A., Newell, R. G., Anthoff, D., Kingdon, C., Rennels, L., ... & Errickson, F. (2021). The Social Cost of Carbon: Advances in Long-Term Probabilistic Projections of Population, GDP, Emissions, and Discount Rates. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity.
5. Melvin, A.M., Larsen, P., Boehlert, B., Neumann, J.E., Chinowsky, P., Espinet, X., Martinich, J., Baumann, M.S., Rennels, L., Bothner, A. and Nicolsky, D.J. (2017). Climate change damages to Alaska public infrastructure and the economics of proactive adaptation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(2), E122-E131.
4. Chapra, S. C., Boehlert, B., Fant, C., Bierman Jr, V. J., Henderson, J., Mills, D., Mas, D., Rennels, L., Jantarasami, L., Martinich, J., Strzepek, K. M., Bierman, V., and Paerl, H. (2017). Climate change impacts on harmful algal blooms in US freshwaters: a screening-level assessment. Environmental Science & Technology, 51(16), 8933-8943.
3. Fant, C., Srinivasan, R., Boehlert, B., Rennels, L., Chapra, S. C., Strzepek, K. M., ... and Martinich, J. (2017). Climate change impacts on US water quality using two models: HAWQS and US basins. Water, 9(2), 118.
2. Larsen, P. H., Boehlert, B., Eto, J., Hamachi-LaCommare, K., Martinich, J., and Rennels, L. (2018). Projecting future costs to US electric utility customers from power interruptions. Energy, 147, 1256-1277.
`1. Melvin, A. M., Murray, J., Boehlert, B., Martinich, J. A., Rennels, L., and Rupp, T. S. (2017). Estimating wildfire response costs in Alaska’s changing climate. Climatic Change, 141(4), 783-795.
Working Papers
2. Kopits., E., Kraynak., D., Parthum, B., Rennels, L., Smith, D., Spink, E., Griffiths., C., Perla., J., Burns., N., Howerton., M. (2025). Economic Damages from Climate Change to U.S. Populations: Integrating Evidence from Recent Studies. EPA National Center for Environmental Economics Working Paper Series.
1. Wingenroth, J., Rennels, L., Errickson, F., Anthoff, D., & Prest, B. Accounting for Biodiversity Loss Raises the Social Cost of Carbon. Resources for the Future Working Paper.
Under Review, Submitted, in Preparation
7. Rennels, L., Errickson, F., Keller, K., Parthum, B., Smith, D., and Anthoff, A. Considering Robustness to Deep Uncertainties Drives More Rapid Emissions Reductions. (Submitted)
6. Darnell, C., Rennels, L., Errickson, F., Wong, T.E., & Srikrishnan, V. Rapid Decarbonization reduces but does not eliminate risk of extreme sea level rise due to uncertain Antarctic Ice Sheet marine instability. (Under Review)
5. Bressler, D.R., Shimberg, N., Rennels, L., Parthum, B., Smith, D., Errickson, F., & Anthoff, D. Large Disproportional Mortality Impacts on Poor Countries Drive a Higher Equity Weighted Social Cost of CO2. (Submitted)
4. Rennels, L., Kingdon, C., Plevin, R., Rising, J., and Anthoff, D. Mimi.jl: A Computational Platform for Integrated Assessment Modeling.
3. Qiu, M., Callahan, C.W., Higuera-Mendieta, I., Rennels, L., Parthum, B., Diffenbaugh, N.S., & Burke, M. Valuing wildfire smoke-related mortality benefits from climate mitigation targets
2. Anthoff., D., Druup., M., Haensel., M., Moore., F.C., Rennels., L., Rising., J., & Schaumann., F. Structural Interactions in Integrated Assessment Models.
1. Errickson, F., Wong, T.E., Keller, K., Rennels, L., & Anthoff, D. Improved climate modeling reduces extreme social cost of carbon estimates Frank C. Errickson, Tony Wong, Klaus Keller, Lisa Rennels, & David Anthoff.